Thursday 29 April 2010

Media studies feedback on video.

For our video we asked the public and friends to watch and comment on our video to leave constructive feedback on how to improve our video. Here are some of the coments that we have recieved back from those people.

Poking Angle said: I really like your movie. I think the effects are good, the editing is very smooth and the music adds a nice feel to the whole film. A few critiques though include, I think the font is a little off putting. It reminds of something from like a 60's film yet there are no indications of it being such. Or being a comedy (cause its not that funny).Other than that, I really liked it and I would stay and watch just to see what the plot would turn out to be.

RhythmDeamon said: I liked the fast forwarded sections and the chavs - really funny.good use of non diagetic music, i was very impressed by the way you told the story entirely through mise en scene.could have done with more screen time of the main charracter (george), but overall great! :)

chris said: I really like the music as i think that it goes well with the film. also the speeding up of the scene is different but i think it works well for your film. the ending is a bit strange as it quite random but overall pretty decent. well done boys ;)

Adamson said: I’d agree that the ending is a little abrupt but otherwise, nicely done and it certainly ends up looking quite professional.

Alan said: I watched your media studies film thought it was very good! I think that sums up therfield very well actually! espically like the special effects of walking through the school. I rate very highly.

Rachel said: Great video! I really liked the sped up shots of the school, It had a 'day in the life' feel to it and got the audience invloved with the production. The way the music changed slightly with each different stereotype was amazing! You guys must be very talented if you made that soundtrack your self. The way the soundtrack changes completly when the 'chavs' appear tells the audience that they are going to have a main role in the film. The acoustic piano playing at the end adds realism to the opening.
Great, opening! I'd watch the rest of the film :) x

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