Friday 2 April 2010

Evaluation Activity 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The target market for our film is teenagers aged from 10 to the age of 20, but the film also can have a larger appeal to other audiences that can like my film. The target market would probably be a type of person that listens to soft rock or a form of D and B. They would also be very particular about the way that they look for example they would always try to pick plain clothes like shirts or t-shirts rather than very complex ones. They would normally lead a very laid back sort of lifestyle. They would be stereotypically skateboarders or musicians of some form.

Depending on the type of genre that the film maker has chosen to make can vary the response and size of the target audience. For example the film hairspray had a massive audience due to the fact that it both appealed to the younger female population in which they wanted to aspire to the main actress’s level and also it would appeal to an older generation due to the film being based in the 1950’s and having a sense of nostalgia. I hope to achieve this as well for my film by choosing a musical, as the target audience can vary from film to film but generally they have a large target market.

In my view I think that this type of person would watch my film due to them already being into the musical genre because of playing a musical instrument or listening to rock music. Also due to musicals not just having a defined niche market the film could be considered for a range of different audiences.

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