Friday 2 April 2010

Evaluation Activity 6 :What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

For my media coursework I have been using many different types of technology to help me make my finished video as good as it can be. This has ranged from a computer to a camcorder and blue screen. This has meant that we have had to learn how to use many different types of equipment and different technologies and programs. This was very time consuming as some of these programs were meant to be used by professionals.

This piece of equipment that I am using is called a tri-pod. It has extendable legs which adjust the height of the camera. Also there is a screw to attach the camera to. There is a handle on the back of the Tri-pod to control the movement of the camera and can be altered to make it harder to move it or more fluid.
This is one of the digital cameras that we used for our production. It has a optical zoom which can be used to do close up shots of characters or objects. It also has a flash to take pictures in the darker areas which makes the light balance more easy to control which meant that continuity and mise en scene were all in correct proportions.

This is the digital camcorder that we used to film the final video that is on my blog. It has a optical zoom and lens cover to stop scratching. It has a LCD screen on the side of the camera, this was very useful because this means that when we were filming we didn't have to look down the eyelense to film the video which meant that we could get a better fell for the scene that was taking place and did get a better quality footage due to it being smoother when moving around.

This is mine and my partners home made steady cam which was made out of our teachers wheely chair and a digital camcorderk, which was celli taped onto it to to keep it level and steady. This piece of equipment was of great use as I filmed the transition parts of the video souly with this piece of equipment, which meant that the video was smoother and kept at the same level throughout.

Other equipment used

The other programs that we used were Adobe Premier Eliments which was used to edit and put together our preliminary task and also our main video. At first it was hard to use this program as it had many differant things that you could do on this program and it was hard to find the different functions that you wanted to use at that particular time. But towards the end of the course we learned how to fully use this program and has made our video as good as we could have made it.

We have have also used the webpage Youtube to upload our video onto it and then via youtube onto our blogs. This has also allowed us to get feedback on our video and how we could have made it better. Also using youtube is much more easy and faster to upload our videos than using Blogspots own version of video uploader.

Blogspot has been the base for which we have posted our blogs on and could not have completed this course without it.

We have used Photoshop to edit our photos for our stereotypical groups which was hard to use at first but we found ways in which to get round these probelems and have made great backgrounds for our groups.

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