Friday 2 April 2010

Evaluation Activity 2 : How does your media product represent particular social groups?

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

For this activity I will be comparing the differences and similarities between these two characters from my Chav character from my film on the left, and Sam from Kid Adult.

Similarities in Camera shots and Mise en scene:

My chav on the left has a black hoody like the one on the right from kid adulthood this could show that the character has a darker side and can be a dangerous person.

They both have their hoods pulled up over their faces to hide themselves this could show that they are secretive and do not like to be seen in public places. They both also have some part of their faces covered to show the connotation of the darker and lighter side to that person.

Both of the shots that show my chav with that of Sam from Kid Adulthood are low angle shots which connote power and authority which makes them look menacing.

Differences in camera shots and Mise en Scene.

My chav wears an American baseball cap under his hoodies hood, but Sam doesn’t wear a cap this could show that my chav is a more stereotypical chav than that of Sam and he does not conform to some of the ideals of the stereotype.

The ages of the two characters are very different due to Sam being in his early 20’s and my chav being still at school in lower sixth form. This could show that Sam is more mature due to his older age.

The one other minor difference is that of race my chav is white and Sam is a mixed race.

The setting where they live, Sam lives in a council estate and goes round London, but my chav is still at school and is mostly there.

There role in the film

My chav in my film is meant to be a show off that has no real intention of hurting anyone but Sam out of Kid adulthood is a murderer and is a very violent person in general. But what they both share in common is that of wanting to cause trouble and make everyone else’s life a little bit worse.

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