Thursday 21 January 2010

Target market for our intro into our film.

For our film we are doing a musical. This type of film at the moment is a very popular type of genre film that is being made at the moment, this will make it more suitable for our audiences. The main target market for musicals are girls from the ages from about the age of 8 to about the age of 16. This plus other people that break this trend are the target market/ target audience.

Our film will be mostly based around music that is almost soft rock this could mean that we put some of our main target market off because they will be more into pop music and not soft rock this could mean that if this movie was made in real life that it could fail to produce as much sales revenue as a musical like High School musical could make.

A way that our short film could attract a bigger target market could be to make the costumes for our characters to be more stereotypical of that of "popular" kids or that when they are not singing they conform to a certain form of personality which could be classed as almost "American sounding which over the last couple of years seems to make a powerful mix when it comes to its popularity.

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