Sunday 24 January 2010

Different types of stereotypes that are commonly used in films for men and women.

In the world the use of stereotypes is commonly used in the film industry to act as a easily identifiable person, almost like it being a code that the audience can recognise.

Male stereotypes

The Jokers
In the film need for speed some of the characters would be classed as a Joker which is a very popular character with boys, this could be because laughter is part of "mask of masculinity." which makes the character seem more masculine. A potential negative side effect of this stereotype is the assumption that boys and men should not be serious or emotional. This makes boys watching this film want to be more like that character and can lead to problems in the future with letting pent up emotion's out.

The Jocks
This stereotype is more commonly used in American based films when usually there is some form of sports team involved for example a American football team will always have its players playing the part of "The Jocks". Jocks are always up to compromise there own health over a form of small importance e.g. if there is a girl involved. This usually entails a fight with other men and must avoid being seen as "soft" and must be aggressive. By demonstrating his power and strength, the jock usually wins the approval of other men and the love of women.

The Strong Silent Type
This type of male stereotype focuses on "being in charge, acting decisively, containing emotion, and succeeding with women." This stereotype reinforces the assumption that men and boys should always be in control, and that talking about feelings is a sign of weakness. A bad point to this stereotype is that it is highly sexist and will make women feel inferior and will always portray men as Superior which is not always correct.

The Action Hero
He is "strong, but not necessarily silent. He is often angry, and he is excessively aggressive in the extreme and, increasingly over the past several decades, he engages in violent behavior", for example in the film series James Bond where he destroys massive bases and kills hundreds of people.

Women Stereotypes
Female stereotypes in the media are mostly seen as negative ones, this is a demeaning and wrong thing to do as today women and men are seen as equals. But in the media today have not yet achieved this level of civilised nature.

The Cheerleader

Cheerleaders are seen as the group of girls or young adults that are obsessed with the way that they look, also have huge egos which are fragile that can be broken by the slightest remark from other people which the cheerleaders see as "lesser" people. This usually entails a "bitch fight" that will probably use the ability to hair pull and scratch. This shows a totaly wrong way to portray women as it shows them as a group of "air heads"

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