Sunday 3 January 2010

Evaluation of different genre types of film.

In class we watched clips from different genre films to evaluate the different aspects of the films. we watched three gangster style films, three musical style films and 2 horror style films, and for each one we watched about five minutes and wrote notes on them all.

The first film that we watch was called Kidulthood, which is about a group of teenagers that are in different gangs and are very violent towards people that "disrespect" them.

The key features of this clip were that it had a bland font this suggests that there is not any hints as to what is going to happen in the later parts of the film. The school uniform that the main characters are wearing is scruffy and uneven, this would show that they do not care about the way that they look, also they speak in slang which suggests that they are from a inner city area of England e.g. central London. This adds to the style of the film and makes it seem more real for this type of genre. The males in this film have a sense of superiority over the female characters in the film and are also very aggressive towards all other people that they think are being "disrespectful". They are also trying to portray young people as violent "yobs" which is a strong stereotype which is not technically true of all young people.
The sense of time is different for the non-main characters compared to that of the main characters. when there is a shot of one of the main characters classmates it only lingers on that person for around half a second this shows that they are unimportant and do not need a lot of attention. On the other hand the main characters have long lengthy shots which can last for a couple of seconds this shows the importance of the character and that the audience should focus on that person.
The music for the film is dark and moody this shows that there are bad times ahead and that awful things will happen in the film at a later time.

Get Carter
The film was introduced with edgy yet slow music, this shows tension and and makes the audience feel tense which makes them more responsive to stimuli. Again there is a use of slang which show that they are from a urban area and have a heavy accent. This slang is based on 1970's style slang and is very different to modern day slang. There is a use of smart suits and ties which suggests that they are a organised crime syndicate and not a group of "ruffed up" youths. This is very different to "Kid Adulthood" because this film is based around a group of adults that are not fueled by anger and revenge, this shows the gangster life style as being more civilised.
In this film there is a majority of people smoking this is because of the time that this film is set is when smoking is seen to be a "cool" thing to do and boosts the "tough guy" look. Also after the first minute or so there is a lack of music this could be because it boosts the enfisis of what the characters say in the movie making each line stand out.

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