Saturday 30 January 2010

Sunday 24 January 2010

The different types of clothing for our different stereotype groups.

For our short video we are going to have different types of stereotypes in groups round the school for our video we will be looking into these different groups and portray them as most people would normally think of them.

Rugby Team
For our stereotype of a rugby team we will have them as well muscled men

Different types of stereotypes that are commonly used in films for men and women.

In the world the use of stereotypes is commonly used in the film industry to act as a easily identifiable person, almost like it being a code that the audience can recognise.

Male stereotypes

The Jokers
In the film need for speed some of the characters would be classed as a Joker which is a very popular character with boys, this could be because laughter is part of "mask of masculinity." which makes the character seem more masculine. A potential negative side effect of this stereotype is the assumption that boys and men should not be serious or emotional. This makes boys watching this film want to be more like that character and can lead to problems in the future with letting pent up emotion's out.

The Jocks
This stereotype is more commonly used in American based films when usually there is some form of sports team involved for example a American football team will always have its players playing the part of "The Jocks". Jocks are always up to compromise there own health over a form of small importance e.g. if there is a girl involved. This usually entails a fight with other men and must avoid being seen as "soft" and must be aggressive. By demonstrating his power and strength, the jock usually wins the approval of other men and the love of women.

The Strong Silent Type
This type of male stereotype focuses on "being in charge, acting decisively, containing emotion, and succeeding with women." This stereotype reinforces the assumption that men and boys should always be in control, and that talking about feelings is a sign of weakness. A bad point to this stereotype is that it is highly sexist and will make women feel inferior and will always portray men as Superior which is not always correct.

The Action Hero
He is "strong, but not necessarily silent. He is often angry, and he is excessively aggressive in the extreme and, increasingly over the past several decades, he engages in violent behavior", for example in the film series James Bond where he destroys massive bases and kills hundreds of people.

Women Stereotypes
Female stereotypes in the media are mostly seen as negative ones, this is a demeaning and wrong thing to do as today women and men are seen as equals. But in the media today have not yet achieved this level of civilised nature.

The Cheerleader

Cheerleaders are seen as the group of girls or young adults that are obsessed with the way that they look, also have huge egos which are fragile that can be broken by the slightest remark from other people which the cheerleaders see as "lesser" people. This usually entails a "bitch fight" that will probably use the ability to hair pull and scratch. This shows a totaly wrong way to portray women as it shows them as a group of "air heads"

Thursday 21 January 2010

Different types of studio to consider to make our film.

for our film if it were to get professionally made, there would be the problem of which studio to use for the main shooting of the film. Because choosing the right studio is a serious issue to do with making a film it is critical that the writer chooses the right one because different studios have different fourtays in different areas of film, for example Warner Bros are famous for their more "dark" films that are not conventionaly for children

Target market for our intro into our film.

For our film we are doing a musical. This type of film at the moment is a very popular type of genre film that is being made at the moment, this will make it more suitable for our audiences. The main target market for musicals are girls from the ages from about the age of 8 to about the age of 16. This plus other people that break this trend are the target market/ target audience.

Our film will be mostly based around music that is almost soft rock this could mean that we put some of our main target market off because they will be more into pop music and not soft rock this could mean that if this movie was made in real life that it could fail to produce as much sales revenue as a musical like High School musical could make.

A way that our short film could attract a bigger target market could be to make the costumes for our characters to be more stereotypical of that of "popular" kids or that when they are not singing they conform to a certain form of personality which could be classed as almost "American sounding which over the last couple of years seems to make a powerful mix when it comes to its popularity.

Ways in which to cover continuity

Ways in which my group are thinking about covering the jump created by the cutting of film before showing a different type of stereotype could be cover the jump with a flash of light, almost like a camera does when it takes a picture this would cover the shot and would keep the audience watching because they would not be expecting it. Also because of the flash it would hide any flaws in the position of the groups of stereotypes this would make filming the video much easier because we would not have this factor to worry about.

Another continuity error that could occur could be that when we are doing the transition between the different locations because if we took one take of the entire transition there are bound to be errors in the transition between the locations. A way to counteract this could be to make multiple shots of these transitions this would mean that we could effectively "mix and match" the different shots via editing the different videos together this would mean that we could make the video more smooth and easier to watch with less continuity errors.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Age Rating on movies.

The BBFC rates theatrically-released films, and rated videos and video games that forfeited exemption from the Video Recordings Act 1984, which was discovered in August 2009 to be unenforceable. Legally, local authorities have the power to decide under what circumstances films are shown in cinemas, but they nearly always choose to follow the advice of the BBFC.

The different types of age ratings that the BBFC, these range from R18's which are classed as the most adult to U's which are suitable for minors.

U's are the most suitable for a audience of minors due to the fact that they do not have any form of discrimination or any other form of insult, this makes it more appropriate for younger viewers.

PG stands for Parental guidance, this means that it is suitable for general viewing but some scenes could be unsuitable for children under the age of 8.

12 films are suitable for people that are 12 and over this means that no one can go and see a 12 age rating film at the cinema or rent or buy a video DVD, VHS or Blue ray from a shop.
This age rating can be unsuitable for under 12's. Those aged under 12 are only admitted if accompanied by an adult at all times during the performance. this age rating was only passed in recent years due to parents being distressed that they have to leave their children at home due to them wanting to see a film, 12a films allowed parents to bring siblings if they so desired.
This form of age rating is suitable only for those aged 15 and over. Nobody younger than 15 can see a 15 film in a cinema. No-one younger than 15 can rent or buy a 15 rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game. Most adult films that are made today are 15 age rated films this allows most older teenagers to view them, this target market is usually into this form of age rated film due to it not being too "babyish" and also it is appropriate for their age.

This film is only suitable only for adults, and nobody younger than 18 may see an 18 film in a cinema, also no-one younger than 18 can rent or buy an 18 rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game from a shop. The only older film rating that there is above this is R18's which are usually inappropriate for most audiences due to it usually being about some form of intercourse, and can only be sold at licenced cinemas and sex shops.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Possible outfits for the main Female and Male characters.

For our main character we are going to have home clothes and not school uniforms, but they will be more noticeable than that of the other characters this will direct the attention of the audience towards the main characters this will also help to distract the audience from any mistakes made whilst filming.

Possible outfit ideas for the Female main character.

This outfit fits the sort of stereotype that our video is aiming for. This set of clothes is feminine but it also has character which makes the main female stand out from the rest of the cast this will mean that she is noticed more.

Possible outfit ideas for the Male main character.

For the male main character his clothes have to be cheeky yet casual this could be achieved via the type of clothes that are being worn above. The jeans are casual which sets the tone of the movie and also the shirt would make him seem intelligent, but then we could roll the sleeves up to give a rebellious tone.

Mise En Scene problems for our video.

For our video we were thinking of basing the video in the sixth form stage of school life at Therfield school, this will mean that there will be no school uniforms used in our production. This could lead to difficulties due to the fact that we are filming the opening scene with the majority of our school wearing uniforms, this could lead to dis-continuity and could be confusing for the audience. To get rid of this problem we could just have our sixth form walk into the school grounds and we could film that.

Also because our video will be shot at different times of the day and different dates there could be differences in the amount of light and this would lead to again dis-continuity. To counter this we could alter the light balance when we are editing the video on the computers this will give a smother and less obvious transition between the different clips that are being taken.

Also due to the film being filmed on different days we will have a problem of makeup and slight differences with the actors. This looks unprofessional and could make continuity a problem. To solve this, preferably we should shoot all of the scenes including the particular characters on the same day this would mean that they would look reasonably the same.

Monday 18 January 2010

Order in which to go around the school.

For our 2 and a half minute video we will have bridge where the camera speed is made faster as we change location this is done by walking round to tghe next location of filming then in editing increasing the speed of the footage.

The order in which we are going to change location.

Group of dead trees by the Library
The Drama studio
Common room
Pylon on the edge of the school
The music studios (d1 and d2)
The practice music rooms next to the music studios.

I have choosen this order due to the proximity of each of the different locations this makes it easier and shorter to do the transition from the different locations, this will use less time which is a important factor in this video due to the lack of video time alowed and will also make it less boring for the audience watching.

Sunday 17 January 2010

Preparation for the different actors/ actresses and the settings.


for finding the main characters Jack and I could hold auditions for the different characters that will be performing in our 2 minute video. For this we will also make poster to g round the school.

Leading male character suggestions: Harris, George g, George h, Alec Mills and Joe.

Leading female character suggestions: Ellen McCarthy, Tanya, Hannah T and Hannah M

Different Types of stereotypes used.

Rock band : Shock Cityy (local band).
Emos : generally ask round.
Rugby team : Laurence, Jordon, Jam and maybe ask the school team.
Jazz band : Jazz band or synth band
Nerds : people in nerd gear.
Normal kids : sitting on sofas in the common room.
Chavs : they will be wearing hoodies and other related forms of clothing.
and debating whether to use the stereotype of "tosh".

locations for the different stereotypes of people.

These are the different locations for the different types of stereotypes that we will be using in our video.

Rugby Team : They would be doing a scrum on the field with a photo still with a blue screen.

Rock band : They would be in D1 and would get a "studio shot" from the recording room. This again would be a still done with Blue screen.

Emo's : They would be by the area of dead trees next to the overhang area next to the library. They would also have a blue screen still with different pictures representing them in the background.

Nerds : They would be in the resource centre (library), fighting with lightsabres. with a blue screen still.

Normal Kids : They would be in the common room sitting on the sofas talking.

Chavs : They will be gathered next to the Pylon on the outskirts of the school this will be accompanied by a still with a blue screen.

Leading Female : she would be in the drama studio singing to the main song that is being played in the background.

Leading male : He would be in one of the musical practice rooms singing again to the main song that is being played in the background.

Sunday 3 January 2010

Evaluation of different genre types of film.

In class we watched clips from different genre films to evaluate the different aspects of the films. we watched three gangster style films, three musical style films and 2 horror style films, and for each one we watched about five minutes and wrote notes on them all.

The first film that we watch was called Kidulthood, which is about a group of teenagers that are in different gangs and are very violent towards people that "disrespect" them.

The key features of this clip were that it had a bland font this suggests that there is not any hints as to what is going to happen in the later parts of the film. The school uniform that the main characters are wearing is scruffy and uneven, this would show that they do not care about the way that they look, also they speak in slang which suggests that they are from a inner city area of England e.g. central London. This adds to the style of the film and makes it seem more real for this type of genre. The males in this film have a sense of superiority over the female characters in the film and are also very aggressive towards all other people that they think are being "disrespectful". They are also trying to portray young people as violent "yobs" which is a strong stereotype which is not technically true of all young people.
The sense of time is different for the non-main characters compared to that of the main characters. when there is a shot of one of the main characters classmates it only lingers on that person for around half a second this shows that they are unimportant and do not need a lot of attention. On the other hand the main characters have long lengthy shots which can last for a couple of seconds this shows the importance of the character and that the audience should focus on that person.
The music for the film is dark and moody this shows that there are bad times ahead and that awful things will happen in the film at a later time.

Get Carter
The film was introduced with edgy yet slow music, this shows tension and and makes the audience feel tense which makes them more responsive to stimuli. Again there is a use of slang which show that they are from a urban area and have a heavy accent. This slang is based on 1970's style slang and is very different to modern day slang. There is a use of smart suits and ties which suggests that they are a organised crime syndicate and not a group of "ruffed up" youths. This is very different to "Kid Adulthood" because this film is based around a group of adults that are not fueled by anger and revenge, this shows the gangster life style as being more civilised.
In this film there is a majority of people smoking this is because of the time that this film is set is when smoking is seen to be a "cool" thing to do and boosts the "tough guy" look. Also after the first minute or so there is a lack of music this could be because it boosts the enfisis of what the characters say in the movie making each line stand out.