Wednesday 17 March 2010

Finished Photoshoped Images of stereotypical groups.

For our video we had initially thought we would have enough excess time to include a photo in the video at the end of each scene with a stereotypical group in it. These photos are the same ones as shown before in the previous post, but these ones have been altered in photoshop to cut out the background. We have then replaced this now white space with a new background which is A4 lined paper with stereotypical drawings of different images. The problem was that we in the end did not have enough time to add all of these photos to the video otherwise we would have overrun our designated time allowance. So we have had to leave out these photos from our video which is a great shame because they would have added that bit extra to the video to make it better. Also it could have also got us extra marks on using different technologies to make our video better. The new backgrounds that we added were drawn by hand to give the style of looking like it was done by a school child who is still learning. This ties in with our theme of our musical being set in a school.

This photo is of the stereotypical group called the "skaters" which are in our video. For this photo we have used Photo shop to remove the background and have put in its place a A4 lined sheet of paper with different stereotypical drawings. The pictures that we thought that were stereotypical of "Skaters" were skateboards, skate ramps, makeshift skulls and crossbones, Radioactive symbol a danger sign and a lightning bolt. To me and my partner these are the images that came to mind when thinking of this form of stereotype which shows that it is a pro dominate in the school environment.

This is a finished photo of of stereotypical group called the "Nerds" we have used the same effects as the picture above and have removed the background and put the A4 background in with pictures drawn on. The images that we have included in the background for this photo are a cloud with chess club written inside it. This is a stereotypical misunderstanding of "nerds" as people think that they always go to clubs that are seemingly boring. Also we have included Pythagoras, a hydrocarbon structure, maths equations, writing saying "I love Trig" and "wear protective glasses with a picture below of safety goggles. We have got our inspiration for these pieces of writing and drawing from different subjects, these being maths and science mostly.

This is a finished photo of our stereotypical group called the "Emos" it again has been edited in photoshop and has had a A4 piece of paper in the background with pictures on. For this picture we have tried to keep to the stereotypical image of "Emos" by trying to make the background as depressing as possible which me and my co-worker have tried to achieve. In the background we have included a weeping angel with its wings bones exposed at the bottom and unable to fly. Also there is a picture of a heartagram which is a symbol of "Emos" which is stereotypically on many different types of products like bags and is a common symbol that certain bands use. There is a Teddy bear that is being rained on and is being struck by lightning which tries to add a bit of humour to the background. It says in the background "I love MCR" which means i love My Chemical Romance which is a famous band that is known for being popular with the "Emo" culture. Also there is a broken heart in the background which symbolises most of the "Emo" culture being emotionally unstable because of different circumstances.
This is a finished photo of the stereotypical group called the "Chav" it has had the same effects added as the previous photos and has its own style of background. The pictures that we have added to the background are a picture of a gun and knife these are the stereotypical items that are associated with the group. Also it says "motha fuglar" which was a mickey take of the other more ruder version of this saying, this is another stereotypical view that "Chavs" are rude to most of the general public. The trainer on the background is a symbol of the sort of clothing they are typically seen in, these being trainers, tracksuit bottoms and a hoody. Also the amount of disorderly lines shows the chaos and irrationality of these type of people.

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