Monday 22 March 2010

music is soon to be added.

Today I have added the music for our video which is a soft rock based genre type of sound. this was relitvely easy, but we did this on my co-workers apple laptop which has specific software which can be used to put sound onto a video relitively easily. The only problem that we had was that the piece of music that we were using was short by about 2 seconds so we had to copy a piece of the music from a earlier part of the track and sloted it in the right place. This meant that we did have to get the two sound clips perfectly allined so that there was no gap in the sound, which would have made it seem like bad continueity editing. we then ultered the sound for the ending scene of the film where george is playing on the paino, by lowering the volume of the first couple of notes which makes it a more smooth transition audibly and makes it less jaring to the audience.

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