Thursday 5 November 2009

Making our first video

In media studies Jack and I are making a video of a conversation of two poeople talking to each other. Jack was the main actor and i was filming the sequences.

We had to shoot this twice because the first time we were unable to finish the filming because of time restraints this lead to having to refilm this scence with a different person. Once we had finished filming the conversational part of the scence, we started to film jack coming down the corridor and opening the door to the room where he has a conversation with another 6th former.

When we were filming this we had Difficulties in the continuity of the shots because of where jacks hands were (e.g. he had changed his hand grip), or if a chair had moved from where it origanally was. We also had difficulties with camera movement because it always seemed to jitter around when we were trying to move it. This could be solved with a dolly but those are expencive to buy and use on a temporary basis.

When we were filming there were some easier parts to filming this sequence. For example deciding where to put the camera for that shot because we had so much choice of camera shots we found it easy to finds the right sort of angle and shot. Also finding a location for this location was very simple because there are lots of empty rooms that the school doent use.

we still have to edit this video clip but is a lot more simple than the actual filming of the scene. this should take us about 30 minutes to do.

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