Thursday, 29 April 2010
Media studies feedback on video.
Poking Angle said: I really like your movie. I think the effects are good, the editing is very smooth and the music adds a nice feel to the whole film. A few critiques though include, I think the font is a little off putting. It reminds of something from like a 60's film yet there are no indications of it being such. Or being a comedy (cause its not that funny).Other than that, I really liked it and I would stay and watch just to see what the plot would turn out to be.
RhythmDeamon said: I liked the fast forwarded sections and the chavs - really funny.good use of non diagetic music, i was very impressed by the way you told the story entirely through mise en scene.could have done with more screen time of the main charracter (george), but overall great! :)
chris said: I really like the music as i think that it goes well with the film. also the speeding up of the scene is different but i think it works well for your film. the ending is a bit strange as it quite random but overall pretty decent. well done boys ;)
Adamson said: I’d agree that the ending is a little abrupt but otherwise, nicely done and it certainly ends up looking quite professional.
Alan said: I watched your media studies film thought it was very good! I think that sums up therfield very well actually! espically like the special effects of walking through the school. I rate very highly.
Rachel said: Great video! I really liked the sped up shots of the school, It had a 'day in the life' feel to it and got the audience invloved with the production. The way the music changed slightly with each different stereotype was amazing! You guys must be very talented if you made that soundtrack your self. The way the soundtrack changes completly when the 'chavs' appear tells the audience that they are going to have a main role in the film. The acoustic piano playing at the end adds realism to the opening.
Great, opening! I'd watch the rest of the film :) x
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Friday, 2 April 2010
Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
For our preliminary task we had many things that my partner and I wished to improve on for our main task and to do this we had to learn how to use the equipment and software that we were given more resourcefully and this allowed us to improve upon the different aspects of our full product.
For our main task (two minute introduction) we used a 180 degree rule again to go from one side of the skateboarder to the other side, opening up a new area to film in. But this time we made the transition from one side of the character to the other smoother due to having less background noise and rustling interference. Also in 2 minute film we made the footage was less bumpy due to practicing smooth filming and it almost being like using a steady cam.
For our two minute film we had a struggle to do continuity editing throughout our video due to it being a mix of different scenes from different locations. To make the continuity smoother we introduced the transition scenes where you went at high speed through the corridors to the next scene so that the footage would not randomly change location which would make it very confusing for the audience and would make the continuity very bad. Also we have put flashes just before and after scenes to cover any disjointed footage that was taken giving it a cleaner look.
For our two minute film we tried to sort this problem out by considering the dominance of each individual and then making the appropriate height and angle of the camera to make the footage not confusing for the audience. For example in the lower photo above there is the stereotypical group called Chavs who have been captured in a low angle shot to show that they have a lot of power and are people that should not be trifled with. Then compare this to the end couple of seconds of my video where George is sitting on a bench playing the piano there is a high angle shot which could show that he is not threatening or hostile.
When we were doing our first conversation video we used the zoom of the camera we were given to get the emotion on Raff’s face when Jack tells Raff about him going out with his sister. When we zoomed in it distorted the picture and lowered the quality of the footage.
For our first video we did not alter the sound of the video massively. Which lead to many different bumps in the sound quality where you could hear rustling or sounds that weren’t meant to be in the footage.
For our main film we massively altered the sound through out to make it sound more uniform and smooth.
Evaluation Activity 6 :What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
This piece of equipment that I am using is called a tri-pod. It has extendable legs which adjust the height of the camera. Also there is a screw to attach the camera to. There is a handle on the back of the Tri-pod to control the movement of the camera and can be altered to make it harder to move it or more fluid.This is one of the digital cameras that we used for our production. It has a optical zoom which can be used to do close up shots of characters or objects. It also has a flash to take pictures in the darker areas which makes the light balance more easy to control which meant that continuity and mise en scene were all in correct proportions.
This is the digital camcorder that we used to film the final video that is on my blog. It has a optical zoom and lens cover to stop scratching. It has a LCD screen on the side of the camera, this was very useful because this means that when we were filming we didn't have to look down the eyelense to film the video which meant that we could get a better fell for the scene that was taking place and did get a better quality footage due to it being smoother when moving around.
This is mine and my partners home made steady cam which was made out of our teachers wheely chair and a digital camcorderk, which was celli taped onto it to to keep it level and steady. This piece of equipment was of great use as I filmed the transition parts of the video souly with this piece of equipment, which meant that the video was smoother and kept at the same level throughout.
Other equipment used
The other programs that we used were Adobe Premier Eliments which was used to edit and put together our preliminary task and also our main video. At first it was hard to use this program as it had many differant things that you could do on this program and it was hard to find the different functions that you wanted to use at that particular time. But towards the end of the course we learned how to fully use this program and has made our video as good as we could have made it.
We have have also used the webpage Youtube to upload our video onto it and then via youtube onto our blogs. This has also allowed us to get feedback on our video and how we could have made it better. Also using youtube is much more easy and faster to upload our videos than using Blogspots own version of video uploader.
Blogspot has been the base for which we have posted our blogs on and could not have completed this course without it.
We have used Photoshop to edit our photos for our stereotypical groups which was hard to use at first but we found ways in which to get round these probelems and have made great backgrounds for our groups.
Evaluation Activity 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?
The target market for our film is teenagers aged from 10 to the age of 20, but the film also can have a larger appeal to other audiences that can like my film. The target market would probably be a type of person that listens to soft rock or a form of D and B. They would also be very particular about the way that they look for example they would always try to pick plain clothes like shirts or t-shirts rather than very complex ones. They would normally lead a very laid back sort of lifestyle. They would be stereotypically skateboarders or musicians of some form.
Depending on the type of genre that the film maker has chosen to make can vary the response and size of the target audience. For example the film hairspray had a massive audience due to the fact that it both appealed to the younger female population in which they wanted to aspire to the main actress’s level and also it would appeal to an older generation due to the film being based in the 1950’s and having a sense of nostalgia. I hope to achieve this as well for my film by choosing a musical, as the target audience can vary from film to film but generally they have a large target market.
In my view I think that this type of person would watch my film due to them already being into the musical genre because of playing a musical instrument or listening to rock music. Also due to musicals not just having a defined niche market the film could be considered for a range of different audiences.
Evaluation Activity 3 : What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The volume for the directors cut is very low so you will have to turn the volume up.
Evaluation Activity 2 : How does your media product represent particular social groups?
For this activity I will be comparing the differences and similarities between these two characters from my Chav character from my film on the left, and Sam from Kid Adult.
Similarities in Camera shots and Mise en scene:
My chav on the left has a black hoody like the one on the right from kid adulthood this could show that the character has a darker side and can be a dangerous person.
They both have their hoods pulled up over their faces to hide themselves this could show that they are secretive and do not like to be seen in public places. They both also have some part of their faces covered to show the connotation of the darker and lighter side to that person.
Both of the shots that show my chav with that of Sam from Kid Adulthood are low angle shots which connote power and authority which makes them look menacing.
Differences in camera shots and Mise en Scene.
My chav wears an American baseball cap under his hoodies hood, but Sam doesn’t wear a cap this could show that my chav is a more stereotypical chav than that of Sam and he does not conform to some of the ideals of the stereotype.
The ages of the two characters are very different due to Sam being in his early 20’s and my chav being still at school in lower sixth form. This could show that Sam is more mature due to his older age.
The one other minor difference is that of race my chav is white and Sam is a mixed race.
The setting where they live, Sam lives in a council estate and goes round London, but my chav is still at school and is mostly there.
There role in the film
My chav in my film is meant to be a show off that has no real intention of hurting anyone but Sam out of Kid adulthood is a murderer and is a very violent person in general. But what they both share in common is that of wanting to cause trouble and make everyone else’s life a little bit worse.
eval activity 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products (i.e. Of film openings)?
Title of the film picture.
This picture of our title of our video it is done in a bubble styled font which is similar to that of a lot of other musicals films for example in the right picture above there’s the title picture of another musical film called Hairspray. This musical was seen as a very feminine and romantic film; also the music accompanied by this part of the film is almost a form of old pop music of that era. Another example of this would be High school musical which is a romantic pop music based musical. In this way we differ from other musical films due to our music at the title of our film being a form of soft rock. Also our title for our film at the beginning is and is on a horizontal line like writing on a word document. In the picture on the right the writing is still legible but it also is not totally on the line and different letters are at different angles. This interests the audience’s eyes as it seems slightly unorganised. For our video this could have made it more interesting by maybe having a effect on our title for example we could have had light bulbs inside the writing like in the film High School Musical, or to have neon lights effect on the title to attract the audience’s attention.
The setting/ location Picture.
The setting for our film was based in my school where I do my A-levels. The setting of a school has been used before in many films of different genres, for example the film “High School musical” is based inside a high school in America. Or there is the film “School of Rock” which is again based in a school but it also is about rock which makes it more similar to our type of film that we have made compared to a film that is about pop music. Another difference that our setting has to a lot of films that are based in schools is that most are based in America due to the funding usually coming from American companies and are more stereotypical in films.
Costumes and Props picture.
Camera work and Editing.
Title font and style.
Story and how the opening sets it up.
Genre and how the opening suggests that.
How the Characters are introduced.
Special effects and how they were used.
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Problems with transitions
The way in which we solved this issue was to use adobe premier elements to put the transition a split second earlier so it would not use the image of the boy on the mixing decks and would get a image instead of the corridor so it would not have as many continuity errors in that part of our video.
The only problem with doing this is the fact that it does make the footage seem more disjointed due to the shortened clip of the corridor this makes it harder for the audience to accept the video and cannot be as fully immersed in the video.
Monday, 22 March 2010
music is soon to be added.
editing more and more but finally finished it XD
Adding credits to the beginning of the film.
The films poster.
How our fonts for the begining ofour film conform to the stereotypical view.
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Finished Photoshoped Images of stereotypical groups.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Unfinished photo of the Chavs
Unfinished photo of the Skaters
Unfinished photo of the Emos
This is the photo of our stereotypical group of "emos". This picture has not yet been edited in photoshop to remove the background so that we can substitute a new one in, this will allow us to put a picture behind the people and make it more professional. The mood for this picture is meant to be very dark and moody, this is due to the stereotype of the emo as being very depressed and sad. For the background for this picture I am thinking of putting iconic emo symbols for example some of the pictures below.
Monday, 15 March 2010
Unfinished photo of the nerds
Filming the new section of transition from the garden area to the library.
The part of the film opening that we cut out was the female main character as this was easy to cut out due to only having to make slight adjustments to the transition stage footage and also it was not a crucial part of the opening of the film. That scene would take a considerable amount of our finite time available out of our video.
when we were filming we had virtually no problems that we encountered. The only problems that we encountered were that of the other people on the corridors which we did not wish to have in our transition footage. Also we had the problem of strong sunlight which made the picture being recorded very light intensive which made it difficult to see what had been filmed.
The ways that we solved these issues was to make sure that the corridor was empty before doing the footage which was very difficult due to our school being very busy constantly throughout the day. For the problem of the intense light from the sun glaring into the camera lens was solved by jack my partner for this project, putting his hand in front and above the camera to cut down on the camera glare which massively improved the visibility and quality of the picture.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
struggleing to edit vid
My co-worker and I are suggesting getting rid of one of our scenes that would not benefit our video as much as one of our other better ones that could get us the higher grade. Also we have managed to now edit fully two of our scenes we are using in our film. These two scenes are of the nerds that are in the library and the scene of the emos in the grass area by the library.
The problems with the video in this section with the emos are that we had a lot of raw footage for that scene so we had to edit it so it would only last about 10 seconds. So what we have done is to do multiple shots of the emos at different angles so that you get to see all of them. We have tried to use continuity editing in this clip so that it is not obvious that we have matched these different shots together.
For the video clip of the nerds we had difficulty when we were putting the whole thing together due to that fact that when the steady cam stops moving it then waits for about a second and then moves through the door. Also when you enter the library it takes about seven seconds to get to the area where the nerds are this takes valuable time off of our timetable. So what we did was speed the clip up like we did for the transition parts of our video until we reach the nerds. This means that we can now use these valuable seven seconds elsewhere in our video.
filming our different stereotypes
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Research and planning for our musical presintation
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Sunday, 24 January 2010
The different types of clothing for our different stereotype groups.
Different types of stereotypes that are commonly used in films for men and women.
Male stereotypes
The Jokers
In the film need for speed some of the characters would be classed as a Joker which is a very popular character with boys, this could be because laughter is part of "mask of masculinity." which makes the character seem more masculine. A potential negative side effect of this stereotype is the assumption that boys and men should not be serious or emotional. This makes boys watching this film want to be more like that character and can lead to problems in the future with letting pent up emotion's out.
The Jocks
This stereotype is more commonly used in American based films when usually there is some form of sports team involved for example a American football team will always have its players playing the part of "The Jocks". Jocks are always up to compromise there own health over a form of small importance e.g. if there is a girl involved. This usually entails a fight with other men and must avoid being seen as "soft" and must be aggressive. By demonstrating his power and strength, the jock usually wins the approval of other men and the love of women.
The Strong Silent Type
This type of male stereotype focuses on "being in charge, acting decisively, containing emotion, and succeeding with women." This stereotype reinforces the assumption that men and boys should always be in control, and that talking about feelings is a sign of weakness. A bad point to this stereotype is that it is highly sexist and will make women feel inferior and will always portray men as Superior which is not always correct.
The Action Hero
He is "strong, but not necessarily silent. He is often angry, and he is excessively aggressive in the extreme and, increasingly over the past several decades, he engages in violent behavior", for example in the film series James Bond where he destroys massive bases and kills hundreds of people.
Women Stereotypes
Female stereotypes in the media are mostly seen as negative ones, this is a demeaning and wrong thing to do as today women and men are seen as equals. But in the media today have not yet achieved this level of civilised nature.
The Cheerleader
Cheerleaders are seen as the group of girls or young adults that are obsessed with the way that they look, also have huge egos which are fragile that can be broken by the slightest remark from other people which the cheerleaders see as "lesser" people. This usually entails a "bitch fight" that will probably use the ability to hair pull and scratch. This shows a totaly wrong way to portray women as it shows them as a group of "air heads"
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Different types of studio to consider to make our film.
Target market for our intro into our film.
Our film will be mostly based around music that is almost soft rock this could mean that we put some of our main target market off because they will be more into pop music and not soft rock this could mean that if this movie was made in real life that it could fail to produce as much sales revenue as a musical like High School musical could make.
A way that our short film could attract a bigger target market could be to make the costumes for our characters to be more stereotypical of that of "popular" kids or that when they are not singing they conform to a certain form of personality which could be classed as almost "American sounding which over the last couple of years seems to make a powerful mix when it comes to its popularity.
Ways in which to cover continuity
Another continuity error that could occur could be that when we are doing the transition between the different locations because if we took one take of the entire transition there are bound to be errors in the transition between the locations. A way to counteract this could be to make multiple shots of these transitions this would mean that we could effectively "mix and match" the different shots via editing the different videos together this would mean that we could make the video more smooth and easier to watch with less continuity errors.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Age Rating on movies.
This film is only suitable only for adults, and nobody younger than 18 may see an 18 film in a cinema, also no-one younger than 18 can rent or buy an 18 rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game from a shop. The only older film rating that there is above this is R18's which are usually inappropriate for most audiences due to it usually being about some form of intercourse, and can only be sold at licenced cinemas and sex shops.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Possible outfits for the main Female and Male characters.
This outfit fits the sort of stereotype that our video is aiming for. This set of clothes is feminine but it also has character which makes the main female stand out from the rest of the cast this will mean that she is noticed more.
Possible outfit ideas for the Male main character.
For the male main character his clothes have to be cheeky yet casual this could be achieved via the type of clothes that are being worn above. The jeans are casual which sets the tone of the movie and also the shirt would make him seem intelligent, but then we could roll the sleeves up to give a rebellious tone.
Mise En Scene problems for our video.
Also because our video will be shot at different times of the day and different dates there could be differences in the amount of light and this would lead to again dis-continuity. To counter this we could alter the light balance when we are editing the video on the computers this will give a smother and less obvious transition between the different clips that are being taken.
Also due to the film being filmed on different days we will have a problem of makeup and slight differences with the actors. This looks unprofessional and could make continuity a problem. To solve this, preferably we should shoot all of the scenes including the particular characters on the same day this would mean that they would look reasonably the same.
Monday, 18 January 2010
Order in which to go around the school.
The order in which we are going to change location.
Group of dead trees by the Library
The Drama studio
Common room
Pylon on the edge of the school
The music studios (d1 and d2)
The practice music rooms next to the music studios.
I have choosen this order due to the proximity of each of the different locations this makes it easier and shorter to do the transition from the different locations, this will use less time which is a important factor in this video due to the lack of video time alowed and will also make it less boring for the audience watching.
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Preparation for the different actors/ actresses and the settings.
for finding the main characters Jack and I could hold auditions for the different characters that will be performing in our 2 minute video. For this we will also make poster to g round the school.
Leading male character suggestions: Harris, George g, George h, Alec Mills and Joe.
Leading female character suggestions: Ellen McCarthy, Tanya, Hannah T and Hannah M
Different Types of stereotypes used.
Rock band : Shock Cityy (local band).
Emos : generally ask round.
Rugby team : Laurence, Jordon, Jam and maybe ask the school team.
Jazz band : Jazz band or synth band
Nerds : people in nerd gear.
Normal kids : sitting on sofas in the common room.
Chavs : they will be wearing hoodies and other related forms of clothing.
and debating whether to use the stereotype of "tosh".
locations for the different stereotypes of people.
These are the different locations for the different types of stereotypes that we will be using in our video.
Rugby Team : They would be doing a scrum on the field with a photo still with a blue screen.
Rock band : They would be in D1 and would get a "studio shot" from the recording room. This again would be a still done with Blue screen.
Emo's : They would be by the area of dead trees next to the overhang area next to the library. They would also have a blue screen still with different pictures representing them in the background.
Nerds : They would be in the resource centre (library), fighting with lightsabres. with a blue screen still.
Normal Kids : They would be in the common room sitting on the sofas talking.
Chavs : They will be gathered next to the Pylon on the outskirts of the school this will be accompanied by a still with a blue screen.
Leading Female : she would be in the drama studio singing to the main song that is being played in the background.
Leading male : He would be in one of the musical practice rooms singing again to the main song that is being played in the background.
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Evaluation of different genre types of film.
The first film that we watch was called Kidulthood, which is about a group of teenagers that are in different gangs and are very violent towards people that "disrespect" them.
The key features of this clip were that it had a bland font this suggests that there is not any hints as to what is going to happen in the later parts of the film. The school uniform that the main characters are wearing is scruffy and uneven, this would show that they do not care about the way that they look, also they speak in slang which suggests that they are from a inner city area of England e.g. central London. This adds to the style of the film and makes it seem more real for this type of genre. The males in this film have a sense of superiority over the female characters in the film and are also very aggressive towards all other people that they think are being "disrespectful". They are also trying to portray young people as violent "yobs" which is a strong stereotype which is not technically true of all young people.
The sense of time is different for the non-main characters compared to that of the main characters. when there is a shot of one of the main characters classmates it only lingers on that person for around half a second this shows that they are unimportant and do not need a lot of attention. On the other hand the main characters have long lengthy shots which can last for a couple of seconds this shows the importance of the character and that the audience should focus on that person.
The music for the film is dark and moody this shows that there are bad times ahead and that awful things will happen in the film at a later time.
Get Carter
The film was introduced with edgy yet slow music, this shows tension and and makes the audience feel tense which makes them more responsive to stimuli. Again there is a use of slang which show that they are from a urban area and have a heavy accent. This slang is based on 1970's style slang and is very different to modern day slang. There is a use of smart suits and ties which suggests that they are a organised crime syndicate and not a group of "ruffed up" youths. This is very different to "Kid Adulthood" because this film is based around a group of adults that are not fueled by anger and revenge, this shows the gangster life style as being more civilised.
In this film there is a majority of people smoking this is because of the time that this film is set is when smoking is seen to be a "cool" thing to do and boosts the "tough guy" look. Also after the first minute or so there is a lack of music this could be because it boosts the enfisis of what the characters say in the movie making each line stand out.